Hello Parenting

Hello Parenting

Unlock your Parenting Potential

About Me

Hi, I’m Kelsey Saracer!

I came to this work on a long winding road that always led me back to caring for babies and helping parents. I have always LOVED babies since I was little girl. I swear I’ve had baby fever my whole life. When I was 12 and finally old enough I BEGGED my mom to take the American Red Cross babysitter’s course so I could start babysitting. Then I was begging my mom’s friends to let me babysit. I would have done it for free I found it so fun, and we all know it’s #lifegoals to find a job that you would do if money were no object.

I babysat whenever I could in high school and college, weekends, summers, and between classes. But I was in college to be a Spanish teacher. I found great joy working with babies, but high school students? Wasn’t feeling like my life calling by the time graduation came around. So when teaching and my first job out of college didn’t work out, I thought about where I wanted to be, and what jobs I could do there. I knew I needed to be back in NYC, and I missed being around little ones. Being a nanny in New York City seemed like a great job to do until I figured it out…. and a decade later there I was.

I loved being around babies and children all the time and getting to see them grow and hit milestones. I was there for the sleep struggles, the feeding struggles, the potty training, the language learning, the first day of preschool, and got to be a support system through these transitions for families. I attended conferences and I read tons of parenting books to explore the different theories and approaches and kept up-to-date on all the new research.

But something was missing.

Skin to skin contact naps for the win!

I had learned so much in these years working with different parents with very different approaches. I wanted to work more directly helping parents get off to a great start in their parenting journey and have confidence in their approaches. I wanted to help more families than just the one at a time I did as a nanny. So I decided to get my Master’s in Family and Human Development and study parenting, marriage, families, and child development.

My Master’s thesis paper was on infant sleep, specifically on the debate between sleep training and bedsharing and how it causes parents fear, confusion, and guilt. I could talk about the amazing learning and transformation in my thinking ALL. DAY. Ask me about this topic and I will get so revved up. But to save the lecture for later: I am here as a sleep consultant to help parents figure out their goals and needs around infant sleep, and will help them find the right approach for them.

Then I trained to be a Postpartum Doula. I love this new journey supporting parents in those first few vulnerable months. I help support parents to find their footing through teaching tools to help solve problems along the way.

Finally, I became a mom. Boy has that changed my perspective on things! I am going through it currently in real time, and can attest to the parenting difficulties and lack of sleep (yes even sleep consultants have babies who don’t sleep… at first!) My baby like yours has good sleep days and bad, and I deal with sickness, travel, changes in sleep patterns, sleep regressions, new milestones, and more! I am happy to have this new insider’s perspective to connect and help my sleep clients even more!

-Center for Pediatric Sleep Management Certified Sleep Consultant

-CAPPA Postpartum Doula

-Master’s degree in Family and Human Development

-Bachelor’s degree in Education from New York University

-Decade of professional nanny experience

-First Time mom of one sweet baby boy born November 2021

Copyright Meghan and Tracey Photography