One size doesn’t fit all for baby clothes and it doesn’t fit for baby sleep either. I personalize each sleep plan to fit your parenting style, baby’s temperament, your sleep goals, and many more factors. Then I work with you and make any changes needed on the fly and help you to reach your goals in a developmentally appropriate way.
Personalized sleep plan along with a Zoom call and text support
Do you live in the Greenwich, CT area? I am available to come for an in-person initial plan consultation if you live in Westchester, NY-Rye, Scarsdale, Mamaroneck, White Plains, Chappaqua or Fairfield County, CT, Stamford, Darien, Westport.
Don't need the longer term support of a 2 week consultation but have some questions? Schedule a 1 hour phone Zoom call to ask me sleep questions and go over your concerns to send you in the right direction with strategies, tips and tricks, and insights into age-appropriate sleep needs